FILM SUBMISSION FORM Film Makers Full Name Phone Email Address PayPal Account Name Film Title Link to Film Screener - YouTube or Vimeo How Did You Hear About The Festival? I Agree And Certify To Be True The Following Statments I Agree And Certify To Be True The Following Statments Submissions will only be processed when the online Payment and Completed Submission Form are Received. I Agree And Certify To Be True The Following Statments I Agree And Certify To Be True The Following Statments I/We have read all of the rules & regulations, understand, and have complied with these rules. I Agree And Certify To Be True The Following Statments I Agree And Certify To Be True The Following Statments I/We warrant the submission of my/our original work and that there are no disputes regarding the ownership of the submission. I Agree And Certify To Be True The Following Statments I Agree And Certify To Be True The Following Statments To the best of my/our knowledge, all the statements herein are true and correct. I Agree And Certify To Be True The Following Statments I Agree And Certify To Be True The Following Statments I/We understand that once a payment is processed, no refunds are available. I Agree And Certify To Be True The Following Statments I Agree And Certify To Be True The Following Statments I/We agree to hold The Fringe Comedy Festival harmless from and defend them against all claims, demands, losses, damages, judgments, liabilities, and expenses (including attorney’s fees) arising out of or in connection with any and all claims of third parties, whether or not groundless, based on any screenplay/film/play submitted. SUBMIT YOUR ENTRY & Go To PAYMENT SCREEN